


WHAT IS YOUR LANGUAGE?What people speak is what reveals what they are, what they believe in, and what they are expected to do. Pay attention to what people speak it reveals the state of their hearts. Matthew 12:34 O evil generation of vipers, how can ye being evil, speak good things? For the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. If you want to know the person listen to what they say. Because what they say comes from their innermost being (heart). Sometimes they may not mean what they say but if you understand their language, you will know what they mean. WHAT IS YOUR LANGUAGE?

Your language will come as a result of what you hear most and where you spread your time. If your time hearing the word of God, your language will tell. I remember one day I was walking with my spiritual son, a certain man stopped us and asked me are you a pastor or a prophet and I tried to him it from the man and I asked him why have you asked and then he said: “the way you speak”. I wondered what language do prophets and pastors have. So the way you speak will tell more about who you are. In John 12:1-8.

Jesus understood the language of Judas because of who he was. The money lover and a thief. He did really care about the poor, he wanted to use the money for his selfish desire he was the treasurer. You cannot change your life without first changing your language. Your life is determined by your language. When your language is full of fear, worry, and complaints. Just know you are finished. Let your language be of Thanksgiving, gratitude, and praise. Stay blessed. WHAT IS YOUR LANGUAGE?


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