

Unbelief Shuts Off The Flow

1 Peter 1:3-9









God has not planned for you to live a life of fear, doubt, discouragement or unbelief! He has not planned any defeats for you! He has made it possible for you to have the same supernatural faith operating in your life, the same manifestation of faith that Jesus operated under during His earthly ministry.

God has planned for you to have a supernatural faith activated in your life that is so strong that no trace of unbelief will be able to remain. This faith will enable you to overcome every obstacle, every circumstance, and every attack of the enemy and you will not waver or falter when affliction or persecution come for the sake of the Gospel. It is His faith within you that will enable you to defeat Satan and overcome the world:“And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4).

Having the faith of God does not mean that you will not face trying circumstances. There is not one verse in the Word of God that teaches that if you have faith you will never be sick, never have need of anything, or never have to endure affliction and suffering. In all the trials, afflictions, and testings the Apostle Paul faced, he said, “But none of these things move me…” (Acts 20:24). Not one time did unbelief overwhelm him or cause him to weaken in faith.

Do you know why he was able to say that? He was not trusting in the strength of his own faith or ability to produce faith. He had a supernatural faith within him that did not waver. UNBELIEF SHUTS OFF THE FLOW

Regardless of the circumstances you are now facing or will face in the future, there is nothing you cannot overcome when the supernatural faith of God is activated within you. It will enable you to overcome all fear, doubt, and unbelief that will try to gain a stronghold in your life. UNBELIEF SHUTS OFF THE FLOW

You may not feel as if you have any faith at all. The problems you face may seem too much for you to bear, but God wants to prove Himself strong on your behalf. During the trial of your faith, He wants you to grow stronger, to take hold of the supernatural faith He has given you and activate it. Your faith will be tried in the fire and is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:6-7).

There is only one way you will be able to break down the wall of unbelief and tap into the supernatural power of God you need in the circumstances you are facing. You must come boldly before God in faith without wavering. The moment you become fearful or begin to waver, unbelief gains a stronghold in your heart. God is ready to meet your need, but His power is limited to work on your behalf through your unbelief. Your unbelief shuts off the flow of God’s power in your life. UNBELIEF SHUTS OFF THE FLOW

Make this declaration:

God has not planned for me to live a life of fear, doubt, discouragement or unbelief! He has not planned any defeats for me! I can have the same supernatural faith operating in my life that Jesus did during His earthly ministry.