

In order to experience ultimate victory in spiritual warfare, you must be properly positioned. Some of us don’t experience this kind of victorious Christian living because our minds are brainwashed and cluttered with negative things. Many of us are products of our environment. Many are held captive to the past. Others are bound by tradition, religion, culture, and ritual.

But God is bringing His people into a new position of power, a stance of ultimate victory. Put this in your spirit: Times are important to God. Seasons are important to God. God chooses specific times and seasons to do specific things. The Bible says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

God is a God of plan, purpose, design, and objectivity. There is not one plan that God has formulated under heaven that He hasn’t assigned a specific time to manifest it. Partner, I’m telling you…Now is the time for the manifestation of God’s presence!

But if we are going to experience the real manifestation of God, there must be a cry that resounds inside our spirits that echoes that of Moses, who declared: “If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence” (Exodus 33:15).

Spiritual goose bumps are not going to get the job done. Jesus didn’t promise goose bumps, dances, giggles, and people being slain in the Spirit. Thank God for all of that…it is all manifested in my own life and ministry. God gave us emotions and proper emotional responses to God are biblically sound. But there is something more!

We must go past the point of blessing — beyond goose bumps, dances, giggles, and being slain in the Sprit. Very few people go beyond this point of blessing. Very few press on in to get their spiritual breakthrough. But beloved, as these perilous end times approach, we have no choice. We must go past the point of blessing! ULTIMATE VICTORY

Just look at the condition of the Church and you will be totally convinced that we must press in. If there is nothing more than what we are seeing manifested through the Church today, we are in trouble. If there is nothing more than what we are experiencing under the so-called anointing of some men and women today, we are in big trouble. But God has a people who are crying out like Moses for His presence. Oh God, we must have it!

Make this declaration:

Oh God, I must have Your presence manifested in my life!


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