

This is my Prophetic Word to you for this hour:

“For you have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you. And I have ordained you that you should go forth and bear fruit and that your fruit shall remain.

“In this hour,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “by the power of My empowerment in your life, My provision—which is more than enough for the mission that I have called you to and the commission that I have given unto you—is available for you this day.

“And you will go out with joy in the midst of every natural feeling of opposition and every prediction of negativity and propaganda of pessimism. You will go out with joy, with strength, with authority, with victory that overcomes the world, with faith! Mountains and hills will break forth before you into singing.

“This is the day when you will pay the bail to deliver the imprisoned. This is the day when you will unlock the door of the captive and set them free. This is the hour when your lost loved ones will come to God. This is the dispensation when what was stolen in your life will be repaid, pressed back, shaken together, and running over. For the end of the thing is greater than the beginning, and the hour of triumph has come to you, and you have come to your day of change.

“And I will transform you,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “by the power of My might. And where in the past, vessels in My House had a capacity for containment that was by measure, I am moving by watering and molding and fashioning as the potter does the vessel. THIS IS MY PROPHETIC WORD TO YOU FOR THIS HOUR

Every individual vessel that is ready for this hour and chooses to accept your commission and every corporate house in this land and in this world ready to rise up and be the House of God on Earth—the Body of Christ, and the Church of the Living God—I am expanding the capacity of your containment so that which you could not perceive or even acknowledge your ability to receive in previous times will be more than available to you so that you will go with Me and I will go with you. THIS IS MY PROPHETIC WORD TO YOU FOR THIS HOUR

“And power will pour hither and thither upon the land, and you will deliver the captive, and you will stand. Enemies will see, and they will recognize that greater am I in you, and they will flee in fear of My power that has empowered you. THIS IS MY PROPHETIC WORD TO YOU FOR THIS HOUR

“Chains will be broken. Doors of imprisonment will be knocked down. A train, a marching, a following will come behind you, for I have declared it,” says the Lord. THIS IS MY PROPHETIC WORD TO YOU FOR THIS HOUR

“It will come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the House of the Lord will be exalted above all mountains, and above all hills, and all nations will flow unto it. Every ethnicity, both genders, every background, every nation, men and women will hear My voice in the depth of their spirit, and they will look at My children and say, ‘There is something different. There is victory in their life. They are not just living life. They are pouring Life. They have received the Life.’ THIS IS MY PROPHETIC WORD TO YOU FOR THIS HOUR

“And nations shall flow unto it, and men and women will come and tug upon you and say, ‘Take us to the mountain of the House of the Lord. Take us to the City of the living God, that we may walk in His ways, and that we may walk in His paths.’

“There will be a tremendous deliverance,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “in spite of the pessimism and the fear of some. I’ve raised up men and women to know my calling for you is championship, victory, triumph, sanctity, answers, breakthrough, reward, return, harvest, abundance, triumph, forgiveness, and jubilee.” THIS IS MY PROPHETIC WORD TO YOU FOR THIS HOUR



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