


Matthew 26:36-44

Jesus is our greatest model of obedience. He was obedient unto death. His obedience was not fifty percent, not twenty-five percent, not ninety-nine percent, but one-hundred percent obedience to do the will of His Father. It was His obedience that made it possible for Him to draw on all of heaven’s resources and win the ultimate victory over Satan. THE ROAD TO OBEDIENCE

Everything Jesus did was an act of obedience to His Father’s will. He did not take the responsibility upon Himself to come to earth and die for the sins of the world. He did not come on His own initiative. He came in obedience to His Father’s will. When Jesus came to earth He said, “I have come to do your will, O God” (Hebrews 10:7, NIV). THE ROAD TO OBEDIENCE

Jesus denied Himself of heaven’s rights and privileges and took upon Himself human form to fulfill God’s will (Philippians 2:7). He was subject to human nature and emotions and was “in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15).

The obedience that Jesus modeled for us involved a determination to do God’s will regardless of the cost. Jesus said:

I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. (John 5:30) THE ROAD TO OBEDIENCE

Because Jesus was willing to give up His life and live in total submission to God’s will, He requires the same of you today. The call Jesus makes is clear: Follow me. Follow my example. Follow Me in My obedience. Follow Me in My love. To follow Jesus in the road of obedience there are five things you must be willing to do:

  1. You must have an ear to hear God’s voice and know God’s will and when He speaks, you must be quick to obey.
  2. You must be determined to do God’s will regardless of the cost. The driving force behind all your actions must be to do His will.
  3. You must be willing to be obedient unto death. You must be willing to give up all claims to your life.
  4. You must develop a wholesome fear of a righteous and holy God Who requires one-hundred percent obedience.
  5. You must have a fervent, undying love for Christ that will motivate you to follow Him in one-hundred percent obedience.

Make this declaration:

I am making a new dedication to follow Jesus and live in one-hundred percent obedience to God.


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