


Psalm 5:1-8

The third strategy in breaking down the wall of disobedience is to submit yourself one-hundred percent to obey God’s will. Since the beginning of time, Satan has led God’s people into rebellion and disobedience by tempting them to reject God’s voice and follow after their own self-will. This strategy is one of the most dangerous because many people are so deceived they cannot determine when they have fallen into the snare of the enemy.

Israel was defeated because they rejected the voice of God and followed their own self-will. Instead of going forward to take possession of the land as God commanded them, they rebelled. They refused to listen. They refused to follow God into the Promised Land but chose instead to follow their own will. SUBMIT YOURSELF TO OBEY

Are there areas of your life where you are following your own self-will instead of submitting yourself to God and following His direction? God has asked you to do something, but instead you have compromised and are doing your own thing? SUBMIT YOURSELF TO OBEY

If you are faced with decisions right now, make a decision before you go one step further that you will no longer compromise. You will no longer follow your own will. Break through the wall of disobedience and submit yourself to do God’s will regardless of the cost.

Here are the three major strategies we have meditated on in the past few days that will enable you to break through the wall of disobedience:

  • The first strategy in breaking down the wall of disobedience is to yield yourself fully to the Holy Spirit.
  • The second strategy in breaking down the wall of disobedience is to rekindle the fear of God in your heart.
  • The third strategy in breaking down the wall of disobedience is to submit yourself one-hundred percent to obey God’s will.

Examine your life today in relation to these three strategies. God is speaking to you right now, by His Spirit, to move into a new level of obedience. SUBMIT YOURSELF TO OBEY

The Promised Land — with all of God’s promises — is before you. God has given you the land, but you must obey if you are to enter in and claim His promises.

Make this declaration:

I am yielding myself to the Holy Spirit. I am rekindling the fear of God in my heart. I am submitting myself to one-hundred percent obedience.


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