


Romans 8:1-11

As long as you are living according to the carnal desires of your flesh, you will be unable to have victory in the battle to bring your tongue under control of the Spirit. Paul said, “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:8). It is impossible for you to please God while you are still walking after the flesh, motivated by your carnal nature and fulfilling the lusts of your flesh.

You cannot win the battle for your tongue as long as you are still living after the flesh. The words coming out of your mouth will be according to the flesh — bitter words, gossip, abusive language, hateful, and evil words. SOWING TO THE FLESH

The word “flesh” is translated from the Greek word, sarx, which refers to man’s unregenerate, carnal nature with its unbridled passions, desires, and lusts. There are many Christians today who are living in defeat because they are yielding to the lusts of their flesh. They are trying to have one foot in the world and one foot in the Church. Their hearts are divided. They want to serve God and enjoy His blessings but they also want to enjoy worldly pleasures and satisfy the lusts of their flesh. They are bound by habits, selfish and immoral desires, and impure thoughts.

Instead of denying their flesh, they are yielding to it. Many have deceived themselves into believing they can continue to indulge themselves in fulfilling the lusts of their flesh without reaping any consequences and without it affecting their spiritual life. They believe they can fulfill the lusts of their flesh and still walk in close fellowship with the Lord and take hold of His promises. SOWING TO THE FLESH

Do not be deceived! The truth is, as long as you are walking after the flesh you cannot please God! The Apostle Paul warned that if we sow to the flesh we will reap corruption, but if we walk and live according to the Holy Spirit, we will reap eternal life! He said, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). SOWING TO THE FLESH

Do not allow anyone to deceive you, beloved. If you live your life according to the dictates of your carnal flesh, you are going to reap corruption.

  • If you sow sexual immorality, you will reap heartache and the consequences of immorality.
  • If you sow gossip, slander, backbiting, and strife, you will reap the same.
  • If you sow to the flesh — hatred, anger, pride, jealousy, greed, selfishness — you will reap the consequences.

Think about it…how are you sowing today?

Make this declaration:

I will not sow to the flesh. I will sow to the Spirit and I will reap only good in my life.


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