


Psalm 77:1-20

God has shown me that Satan is oppressing many of God’s people today, just as he oppressed the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter in New Testament times. Don’t be deceived, demon “oppression” and “possession” are just as real today and as prevalent as during Jesus’ ministry two thousand years ago!

It’s time for the Church of Jesus Christ to recognize the Satanic oppression coming against God’s people, confront Satan and his demon forces, and take authority over them just as Jesus did two thousand years ago.

Satan is illegally exercising dominion over Christians — tormenting their minds, afflicting their bodies, oppressing their loved ones, oppressing them in their finances and in every way possible. Christians are being harassed, tormented, and troubled by Satan and his demon spirits. Satan’s objective is to wear them down physically and mentally until they become so oppressed they feel hopeless and give up. SATAN’S STRATEGY OF OPPRESSION

When a Christian is oppressed it is an outward manifestation that Satan is attacking the mind or the body and sometimes both. A Christian can be oppressed mentally or physically and not be possessed or totally under the control of unclean spirits.

Demons are spirit beings. They have nobodies. Their objective is to invade and indwell human minds and bodies so they will have greater control over the individual. They first attack and oppress the mind in an attempt to wear down the individual’s resistance where he will accept their evil thoughts and suggestions. SATAN’S STRATEGY OF OPPRESSION

Demons of fear, doubt, unbelief, worry, and depression will attack and torment a person’s mind until they become so oppressed they are unable to appropriate by faith the promises of God in their circumstances. In this state of oppression, it often seems there is such a heaviness in the spirit that there is a thick spiritual darkness like a cloud surrounding the individual that cannot be penetrated. The person may have “head knowledge” but because of the heavy oppression by these spirits, be unable to act in faith on God’s promises. SATAN’S STRATEGY OF OPPRESSION

If an individual fails to resist these attacks and does not reject the thoughts and suggestions the unclean spirits are trying to plant in his mind, his emotions will become controlled by these spirits. Eventually, his will becomes so weakened he yields to the oppressing spirits until his mind is in a constant state of torment.

Make this declaration:

I will resist Satan’s attacks. I will reject the thoughts and suggestions of unclean spirits. My emotions will not be controlled or tormented by demonic forces.


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