
Restored, Strong, Firm, and Steadfast

Don’t be deceived — in this world we are going to face persecution. Jesus told His disciples: Be Restored, Strong, Firm, and Steadfast

A servant is not greater than his master — is not superior to him. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word and obeyed My teachings, they will also keep and obey yours. But the enemy will do all this to you — inflict all this suffering on you — because of (your bearing) my name, and on My account, for they do not know or understand the One Who sent Me. (John 15:20-21, TAB)

Jesus also warned His disciples:

In the world, you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer — take courage, be confident, certain, undaunted — for I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of power to harm, have conquered it (for you). (John 16:33, TAB)

Christians are not exempt from the attacks of the enemy. We are going to be tried and tested. Many of you have already faced times of severe testing and your faith has been tried through the circumstances Satan has brought into your life. You may be going through a time of testing right now. Some of you may be facing persecution.

Your position during this time of testing or trial is not one of fear, panic, discouragement, or retreat. You are to resist — to stand against and oppose Satan — to stand firm knowing that Christ will make you victorious. Restored, Strong, Firm, and Steadfast

Peter said:

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast. (1 Peter 5:10, NIV)

These four words — “restore,” “strong,” “firm,” and “steadfast” — describe what God has promised to do for you during times of trial or persecution as you resist Satan. Restored, Strong, Firm, and Steadfast

The word “restore” means to “perfect” or “make complete.” God allows trials, testings, and persecution to come for the purpose of perfecting you. Regardless of the circumstances you face, as you resist Satan, God will use them to strengthen and perfect you. As you resist Satan, God will “make you strong.” The original Greek translation of this phrase means “to strengthen one so he can stand fast in persecution.” As you resist Satan, God will make you “firm and steadfast,” which means “to be put on a firm foundation.” Restored, Strong, Firm, and Steadfast

Make this declaration:

The God of all grace, who called me to His eternal glory in Christ, after I have suffered a little while, will restore me and make me strong, firm, and steadfast.

Restored, Strong, Firm, and Steadfast

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