


Satan’s strategy is to keep you out of your Promised Land, to prevent you from inheriting all the blessings God has promised you…

  • He will cause you to doubt God and His Word.
  • He will tempt you to murmur against God.
  • He will cause you to turn away from God.
  • He will cause you to refuse to hear God’s voice.
  • He will cause you to reject God’s voice and reject His Word.
  • He will steal the fear of God out of your heart.
  • He will cause you to fear man more than you fear God.
  • He will cause you to reject God’s will and follow your self-will.
  • He will deceive you into compromising what God has spoken to you.
  • He will try to steal your vision.

During this past month, God has brought you to a new level of spiritual destiny. He has positioned you for victory. He has placed His Spirit within you, giving you the will, desire, and power to obey. God has set a new powerful spiritual dimension before you and is saying, “Go up and possess it!” REFUSE TO BE DEFEATED

Your spiritual destiny is in your hands. You have a choice…

…To obey God and, by faith, take full possession of your spiritual inheritance and enter this new spiritual dimension, or …

…To rebel and disobey God and, through your unbelief, forfeit your inheritance and live in defeat.

Go forward! Take offensive action and defeat Satan’s strategy to lead you into disobedience and rebellion against God.

  • Know the voice of God.
  • Hear the voice of God.
  • Obey the voice of God.
  • Walk in the manifestation of God’s glory.
  • Believe God’s promises.

Behind you is a life of struggle, failure and defeat. Before you lies a new spiritual territory:

  • A place of peace and security.
  • A place of blessing and provision.
  • A place of power and victory.
  • A place of joy and contentment.

Go forward in the power of Almighty God and take possession of your spiritual inheritance! Refuse to be defeated!

Make this declaration:

I will know the voice of God. I will hear and obey it. I will walk in the manifestation of God’s glory and believe His promises.


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