


Luke 13:11-17

Demon spirits often oppress people by causing a physical condition in their bodies and keeping it there. This was the case of the woman with a spirit of infirmity who had been bound and oppressed by it for eighteen years. She was bowed together and unable to lift herself up (Luke 13:10-11). This woman was not “possessed,” she was oppressed by an evil spirit. Jesus discerned that a spirit of infirmity was causing her condition. RECOGNIZING DEMONIC FORCES

It was for this purpose He had come! God had anointed and empowered Jesus with the Holy Spirit to heal and set free all those who were oppressed by the devil. He had come to destroy the works of the devil! RECOGNIZING DEMONIC FORCES

And when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, Woman, you are released from your infirmity! Then He laid (His) hands on her and instantly she was made straight, and she recognized and thanked and praised God. (Luke 13:12 13, TAB)

When the leader of the synagogue reprimanded Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, Jesus said, “And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?” (Luke 13:16, TAB).

One day they brought a man to Jesus who had a blind and dumb spirit. The demon oppressing this man had afflicted his eyes and ability to speak. After Jesus took authority over it and cast it out of the man, he was able to both see and talk. Jesus loosed the man from Satan’s power and set him free. “Then a blind and dumb man, under the power of a demon, brought to Jesus and He cured him so that the blind and dumb man both spoke and saw” (Matthew 12:22, TAB). This man was not “possessed” — fully under the control of the demon, spirit, soul, and body. RECOGNIZING DEMONIC FORCES

All sickness and disease is from Satan. God never intended man to know sickness and disease. It came as a result of man’s fall. However, there are many Christians today who have sicknesses and diseases that are a direct result of satanic oppression where a spirit has hold on their bodies and is causing a particular affliction.

It is time for us to recognize how Satan and his demonic forces are attacking, afflicting, and oppressing God’s people today! This is the first major step we must take before we take authority over the spirits oppressing us, break their hold, and be loosed from their oppression in our lives.

Make this declaration:

Upon the authority of God’s Word, I declare that my eyes will be open to recognize how Satan and his demonic forces are attacking, afflicting, and oppressing God’s people today.


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