


Acts 10:34-43

From this day forward you can determine that you will no longer live your life according to your carnal, natural mind. In the circumstances you are facing, don’t lean to your own understanding or depend upon the “arm of the flesh.” Wait before the Lord until you know you have the mind of Christ. Once you know you have the mind of Christ in the situation you are facing, act boldly with full confidence and assurance knowing God will fulfill His Word.

When you know you have the mind of Christ, you won’t be fearful or waver in your faith. You will be strong and victorious and you will be able to take hold of God’s promises. When you know you have the mind of Christ, it will not be necessary for you to run here and there — from meeting to meeting — to try to find out what God is directing you to do. NOW IS THE TIME

When you act in accordance with the mind of Christ, there is no possibility for failure or defeat. You can live your life according to the one-hundred percent victorious mind of Christ. The Apostle Peter, in writing to believers who were distressed because of the tremendous trials they were going through, said, “Gird up the loins of your mind…” (1 Peter 1:13). In essence, he was telling them to prepare their minds for aggressive action, to strengthen and brace their minds for the battles they were facing. NOW IS THE TIME

The “loins” refers to the chief seat of bodily strength. The body is knit to the loins. If the loins fail, the whole body fails. If your mind is weak, you will live in defeat. Gird up, strengthen, and prepare your mind for aggressive action!

Resist, withstand, and oppose every attack of the enemy against your mind! Bring every thought into captivity! Be continually renewed in your mind! NOW IS THE TIME

As we conclude this month of powerful devotional readings concerning the mind, my prayer for you is…

  • That you will break through the limitations of your carnal, natural mind and take hold of the supernatural…
  • That you will take hold of the one-hundred percent victorious mind of Christ where you are walking in one-hundred percent victory in every area of your life…
  • That you will not be content to settle for anything less than Christ has provided for you, but as you take hold of the one-hundred percent victorious mind of Christ you will take possession of all He has promised you!

You can do it…right now…today!

Make this declaration:

From this day forward, I will no longer live my life accord to my carnal, natural mind. I will have a one-hundred percent victorious mind!


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