


Psalm 30:1-12

There is absolutely nothing Satan can bring into your life that can destroy you — nothing! There is no weapon or strategy that Satan can devise against you that is powerful enough to defeat you — not one! NOTHING CAN THREATEN YOU

Satan’s objective, as the destroyer, is to destroy everything you have — your home, your family, your health, your finances, your career, your ministry — everything! His strategy is to use your circumstances to defeat you. He will create havoc in the circumstances in your life, bring affliction and disease upon your body, attack your children and loved ones, cause strife in your marriage relationship, bind your finances, or create problems on your job.

Using your circumstances, Satan will try to wear you down physically, mentally, and spiritually until you are so weary, so discouraged and depressed that you are ready to throw your hands up in defeat. He will relentlessly attack you through your circumstances until you become too tired to fight or resist his attacks and you are caught in a vicious cycle that paralyzes and hinders you from releasing your faith and walking in the victory God has provided for you. NOTHING CAN THREATEN YOU

Make no mistake about it, Satan is out to destroy you! But there is no circumstance, trial, or persecution — regardless of how terrible it may be — that he can bring into your life that can defeat you.

As the destroyer…

  • Satan may wrack our bodies with pain, sickness and disease.
  • Satan may bind our finances or cause us to lose everything we own — houses, lands, our life’s savings.
  • Satan may do his best to turn our mates against us and even succeed in destroying our marriages.
  • Satan may try to destroy our children and loved ones through alcohol or drugs.
  • Satan may take our lives and the lives of our loved ones through death.

But none of these circumstances — pain, sickness, financial problems, problems in our marriages, family problems, persecution, or death — can threaten us!

Make this declaration:

Pain, sickness, financial problems, marriage problems, family issues, persecution, even death — cannot threaten me because fear has been defeated in my life!


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