


Luke 21:25-36

We are living in a time of great perplexity and confusion which Jesus said would be one of the end-time signs of His coming (Luke 21:25-28). Jesus said there would be “distress of nations with perplexity.” The word “perplexity” translated from the Greek means “at one’s wit’s end, at a loss of how to proceed.”

Today we are witnessing this confusion and perplexity in the nations of the world as we see political and economic upheaval on an unprecedented scale. The nations are facing crisis situations — a financial collapse, skyrocketing budget deficits, political turmoil, and violence, governments being overthrown, the AIDS epidemic, famine, hopelessness — with no solutions! GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION

In the midst of all the confusion and turmoil, we are going to have clarity of vision and purpose:

  • We are going to know God’s will…
  • We are going to know how the enemy is attacking us and how to overcome…
  • We are going to know how to tear down Satan’s strongholds and take possession of all that belongs to us!

You don’t have to be limited or bound by your own natural mind with its limited wisdom that is subject to confusion, frustration, and defeat. You can tap into God’s wisdom and walk in power and victory as you act upon the supernatural wisdom He imparts to you. His wisdom is pure, full of peace, free from doubt, and unwavering. GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION

As children of the Living God, we are not bound or limited by the confusion and turmoil in the world today. We have a choice! We can have God’s wisdom and clarity of vision and purpose or we can depend upon man’s sensual, natural wisdom and bring confusion upon ourselves.

Today God has positioned you for victory, and by His Spirit He is telling you to go forward to take possession of the land and all He has provided for you. He is telling you to drive out the enemy — Satan and all his evil principalities — and take hold of the healing, deliverance, and supernatural provision you need for your life. God is telling you to go forward to take the power and authority He has given you to take your city and nation for God! GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION

You cannot allow yourself to become confused, fearful, or frustrated because God is not the author of confusion. When you act according to the truth He has revealed in His Word and obey His voice when He speaks and directs you, there will be no confusion.

The words “confused” or “frustrated” should never come out of the mouth of a Christian! You must not allow yourself ever to become confused, but you must take hold of the one-hundred percent victorious mind of Christ.

Make this declaration:

I am going to know God’s will. I am going to know how the enemy is attacking me and how to overcome. I am going to know how to tear down Satan’s strongholds and take possession of all that belongs to me!


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