


We have learned that in order to conquer fear you must recognize it for what it is; identify the fears that have gained a stronghold in your mind and deal with them in the spirit by casting them out in Jesus’ Name; resist every attempt of Satan to fill your mind with fear; and focus upon God and release your trust in Him. Now here is the fifth powerful strategy against fear:

Strategy number five: Fix your mind and keep it fixed upon God. God has promised to guard, protect, and keep you in perfect and constant peace as long as you have your mind fixed upon Him:

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3)

The word “stayed,” in this verse is translated from a Hebrew word which means “to lean upon or take hold, establish, be steadfast.” When your heart and mind are fixed upon God you will not be afraid because God will cover your mind with His perfect peace!

David said concerning the righteous, “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid” (Psalm 112:7-8). Releasing your trust is the key that will enable you to fix your mind. Is your mind fixed, fully persuaded, and convinced, that God will fulfill His promise to you? Are you trusting God in the circumstances you are facing? FIX YOUR MIND ON GOD

To keep your mind fixed upon God, you must trust Him at all times, under all circumstances, believing He is with you to sustain you and meet your need. Regardless of the circumstances you face today, fix your mind, keep your thoughts focused upon God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promises. FIX YOUR MIND ON GOD

To keep your mind fixed upon God, you must guard what you allow into your heart and mind. Fear gained an entrance into the minds of the children of Israel through what they saw and heard. When the spies saw the giants and the fortified cities, a spirit of fear attacked their minds.

Instead of rejecting the fear and fixing their hearts and minds upon God Who had rolled back the Red Sea and miraculously delivered them out of Egypt, they allowed their minds to be controlled by a spirit of fear. When the people of Israel heard the fear-filled words of the report, a spirit of fear entered their minds until they were filled with unbelief which led to rebellion and disobedience. Refuse to listen to fear-filled words. Don’t speak fear-filled words and don’t focus your eyes upon your circumstances. Fix your mind on God.

Make this declaration:

I am fully persuaded and convinced that God will fulfill His promises to me. Today, my mind is fixed on Him instead of my circumstances.



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