


Isaiah 41:10-13

When Jairus heard the report that his daughter had died, Jesus told him, “Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole” (Luke 8:50). If he had kept his heart and mind fixed upon the outward circumstances of his dead daughter instead of fixing his heart and mind on Jesus and His power to heal, he would have been fearful and would not have been able to release his faith and receive the miracle he needed.

You can deal a death blow to the spirit of fear when you use the spiritual arsenal God has given you and fill your mind with His Word. God has declared:

Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10) FIVE STRATEGIES AGAINST FEAR

You can fix your mind upon God and release your trust in Him because God has promised you:

For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not, I will help thee. (Isaiah 41:13)

When you keep your mind fixed upon God and fill your mind with His Word, God covers your mind with His peace. It becomes a powerful, supernatural shield which guards your mind and keeps it in constant peace and free from all fear. FIVE STRATEGIES AGAINST FEAR

When your mind is fixed upon God, you will be:

  • Set free from a fear of man!
  • Set free from a fear of death!
  • Set free from a fear of lack or want!
  • Set free from a fear of danger or calamity!
  • Set free from a fear of sickness!
  • Set free from all bondage to fear!

As we close out our meditations on the first obstacle that we must defeat, to claim God’s promises, let us review the five powerful strategies we have learned that will conquer fear: FIVE STRATEGIES AGAINST FEAR

Strategy one: You must recognize fear for what it is — sin: Romans 14:23

Strategy two: You must identify the fears that have gained a stronghold in your mind and deal with them in the spirit by casting them out in Jesus’ Name: 2 Corinthians 10:4; John 14:14

Strategy three: You must resist every attempt of Satan to fill your mind with fear: 2 Timothy 1:7; James 4:7.

Strategy four: You must focus upon God and release your trust in Him: Hebrews 13:5

Strategy five: You must fix your mind and keep it fixed upon God: Isaiah 26:3

Make this declaration:

I will not fear! Spirit of fear, I am dealing you a death blow. I command you to go in Jesus’ Name!


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