


PSALM 91:1-15

Christians today are living in defeat because they have not recognized Satan as the destroyer who is using circumstances as a weapon to defeat them…

  • He will attack our bodies through sickness and disease.
  • He will attack us through circumstances involving our children who may be having problems at school, involved with the wrong crowd, rebelling against authority, drinking, or involved in drugs.
  • He will attack us through circumstances involving our finances — overdue bills, unexpected expenses, or the loss of a job.
  • He will attack us through circumstances on our jobs, creating friction between fellow co-workers, misunderstanding with supervisors, and causing miscommunication.
  • He will attack us through the circumstances involving our mates — strife, lack of communication, unforgiveness, bitterness, or harsh words.

Satan’s objective in attacking us through our circumstances is to steal our health, tear our families apart, destroy our marriages, blind the minds of our children and loved ones, destroy lives through alcohol and drugs, and keep us in financial bondage. FACING THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF LIFE

All of these things — our physical bodies, families, children, homes, worldly possessions — are only temporary blessings God has given us to enjoy. They are not eternal. FACING THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF LIFE

Satan’s ultimate objective in attacking us through our circumstances is to destroy the one thing that we have that is everlasting — our souls. There is absolutely nothing Satan can do to blot our names out of the Book of Life. He does not have the power to destroy our souls in hell.

God has given us power over our own destiny. He has given us a free will to choose life or death, heaven or hell. Satan’s objective in attacking us through our circumstances is to destroy our relationship and alienate us from God. His objective is to cause us to question God’s love and lose faith in God and His promises. He wants to gain control of our wills so that we will turn our backs on God and sin against Him.

Now that you are aware of his strategy, how do you plan to face the circumstances of your life today? As a victim or as a victor?

Make this declaration:

I will face the problems of my life today as a victor instead of a victim.


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