


James 3:13-18

During the next few days, we want to meditate on five strategies that will eliminate confusion in your life.

Strategy number one: Reject every trace of confusion and act on God’s promises. God has brought you to a place of spiritual destiny. He has given you many promises but if you allow confusion to gain a stronghold in your mind it will block you from taking possession of these promises. ELIMINATING CONFUSION

When we look at the rebellion of the children of Israel, we wonder, “Why would they rebel against God and refuse to go into the Promised Land and take possession of it?” God had just supernaturally delivered them out of the hands of the Egyptians. They had seen Him part the Red Sea and had walked across on dry ground with a wall of water on the right and on the left of them. How could they refuse to believe His promises and rebel against Him? ELIMINATING CONFUSION

But today we are guilty of doing the same thing when we fail to believe God’s promises and act on them! God has clearly revealed His will to us through His Word. He has given us His promises of salvation, healing, deliverance, supernatural provision, and victory over all the power of the enemy. He has entered into an everlasting covenant whereby all our needs are met in Him. So, the first strategy to break through the wall of confusion is to reject every trace of confusion and act on God’s promises. When you fail to do this, you are rejecting His Word and are in rebellion. ELIMINATING CONFUSION

Strategy number two: Wait upon God and draw upon His wisdom. Your strength when you face desperate circumstances for which there is no possible solution is not to run here and there trying to work things out according to your limited understanding. You can either chose to let your mind be thrown into turmoil or to take hold of the mind of Christ and let God’s peace envelope you. Instead of leaning to your own understanding — looking to man for a solution, to physicians, to banks for loans, to your own resources — you must draw upon God’s supernatural wisdom and discernment.

God has placed His Spirit within you so you can know and walk in His divine wisdom. You will never be confused, indecisive or double-minded when you act according to the wisdom God gives you. The supernatural wisdom He imparts is from God. It is full of peace, free from doubt, and unwavering (James 3:17).

Make this declaration:

I reject confusion in the Name of Jesus. I will wait upon God and draw from His wisdom.


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