


God has promised:

There hath no temptation (test) taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Every promise in the Word of God is geared to life and victory! The provision has been made. In the things of God I have this knowledge! In God I can see the truth of every situation which I encounter. God has given me power over all the power of the enemy and in Him I can come out the winner every time! If you could only see the truth of every situation that you encounter in this life! If you could only see as God sees!

God didn’t promise us we wouldn’t have battles. He didn’t promise us we wouldn’t have sorrow. He didn’t promise us we wouldn’t have heartaches. But He did promise we would never be defeated.

Whatever your trials and whatever your circumstances, no matter how overwhelming they may seem to be in the natural, I want to minister to you right now. I don’t have to be present with you in the flesh to do this. Paul at one time wrote to the Corinthian church that though he was absent from them in the body, he was present in spirit and the action he wished was taken as though he was present.

I cannot be present with each of you in my bodily presence, but there is no distance when it comes to the things of God. As you hold this devotional guide in your hand, use it as a point of contact to agree together with me that you will be able to rise up in the power already given you to meet the circumstances in your life. Hold this book in your hand as I pray this prayer for you:

“Heavenly Father, right now in the Name of Jesus, I bring this loved one to You for Your special blessing and help. God, You see and know every circumstance. You have permitted every circumstance that is in their life right now. Father, You wait to prove yourself in might and power in these circumstances. A POWERFUL PRAYER

Open these eyes that this one may see the situation as it really is, that they might see that You are in command and that You have stepped forth on their circumstances to still the waves and the winds. You have stepped forth in triumph and power over all the power of the enemy. Father, help this one to realize the position we have in You as Your beloved child. Help them to take their rightful position in You as a king and a priest, as a ruler, as the head and not the tail, as being above and not beneath, according to the great promises of Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Make this declaration:

God has heard my prayer. He will move in my behalf.



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