


The nation of Israel was at its greatest point of spiritual destiny. The decision they were to make that day would decide the fate of the entire nation. God had brought them to the land He had promised as an inheritance and commanded them to take possession of it. Exodus 3:1-10 A POINT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY

When God led Israel into the Promised Land, He had already positioned them for victory (Numbers 13). He delivered them out of Egyptian bondage through miracles, signs, and wonders greater than any the world had ever known. He opened up the Red Sea and they marched across on dry land (Exodus 14:21-22).

He miraculously led them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21-22). He fed them manna from heaven (Exodus 16:4,15). He caused water to gush forth from the rock at Rephidim in Mount Horeb (Exodus 17:5-6). He gave them a great victory over their enemies, the Amalekites (Exodus 17:9-13). The Great I Am — God Almighty — had descended out of heaven and manifested Himself on Mount Sinai in flaming fire and billowing smoke.

They heard the great trumpet of God blasting across the plains, summoning them to meet with Him. They saw His glory. They heard Him speak in an audible voice. There on Mount Sinai, God joined Himself together with them in a blood-covenant relationship. They were bound together as one. God pledged Himself to be their God, to protect them, to prosper them, and to set them apart from the nations of the earth. Their enemies were His enemies. All that He had belonged to them.

He promised to bring them … to a land good and large, a land flowing with milk and honey — a land of plenty… (Exodus 3:8, TAB). He sent the Angel of the Covenant, the preincarnate Son of God, before them to lead, instruct, protect, and guide them and to drive out their enemies (Exodus 23:20-23). They were positioned for victory.

Pause today and think of all the things God has done for you in the past. Think of all the victories you have won and the prayers that have been answered. Today, you are at the border of a new land — a new year, a new vision, a new ministry, a new step of faith. God has positioned you for victory!

Make this declaration:

Lord, I am ready to enter into my spiritual destiny during the coming year. Thank you for your promise to go before me, leading, instructing, protecting, and guiding. A POINT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY


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