


Romans 12:1-3
There are several principles that the New Testament church at Macedonia followed in their giving that we should emulate in our own giving. We will be meditating on these truths during the next few days.

They gave liberally: The New Testament church at Macedonia would never have given anything had they limited their giving by their financial circumstances. Although they were in deep poverty, they did not give a small token offering. They gave sacrificially, even beyond their ability. This is what you must do if you are to receive your financial breakthrough. You must declare war on the devil’s war against your finances, get your eyes off your own financial needs and limited resources, and give as God directs.

They gave willingly: Not only did the believers in the Macedonian churches give liberally beyond their ability, they also gave willingly. Many who are experiencing financial problems resent being asked to give. The believers in Macedonia did not consider giving as something to be resented or avoided; rather a privilege to be sought after.In the Church today, our whole system of giving is based on the strength of emotional appeals.
Christians wait to be urged, begged, and convinced to meet the needs of their brothers and sisters in other parts of the world who are crying out for the tools and training to win their nations for God. Yet God wants us to give liberally and willingly, not grudgingly or based on how moving the emotional appeal might be.What was it that enabled the Early Church to give liberally and willingly in the midst of their own great need? They gave their best to God. They gave themselves to the Lord. God does not want your money first. He wants you! GIVE YOUR BEST TO GOD

They gave sacrificially: The Macedonians gave willingly and unreservedly because they had totally surrendered themselves to God. This is one of the most vital keys to walking in financial victory. To enter into God’s Cycle of Supernatural Provision you must first offer yourself as a living sacrifice upon the altar of God. Paul urged the Romans:I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1)There are Christians today who think they can buy their way into God’s favour. GIVE YOUR BEST TO GOD

They give large offerings but have not fully surrendered themselves to God. They are withholding areas of their lives, thinking their gifts will make them acceptable to Him. Don’t be one of them. Give your best to God!
Make this declaration:
I will give liberally, willingly, and sacrificially. I will give my best to God . SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY and SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE