


                     Ministry Letter

But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to
men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in
the secret will reward you openly.

Matthew 6:17-18, NKJV

              Partner Ministry Letter

My Beloved Partner,

God has called me into a season of deep intercession and anointed prayer for you. I’ve been commissioned by God to set apart *twenty-one days* of prayer and fasting FOR YOU! During this time, I will be carrying the most intense burden to witness God’s supernatural promises manifested in your life. MINISTRY LETTER

Sunday, May 24 through Sunday, june 14 will be 21 God-ordained Days of *Prayer* and *Fasting* where God is ready to manifest a new season of *SUPERNATURAL MIRACLES* to meet your needs …
During these 21 days, I believe God will release tremendous, bondage-breaking miracles of healing, provision, blessing, and breakthrough for you!

*Beloved* , you must act in faith just like Abraham, who did not question nor doubt God, but rose early in the morning to go to the place God directed him. He was the heir of all God’s blessings, but before receiving God’s blessings, he was tested. Through his faithful and unyielding obedience, God honored Abraham’s faith. When God saw Abraham’s willingness to offer Isaac, He provided a ram for the burnt offering instead, and both Abraham and Isaac worshiped the Lord as they offered the ram on the altar.

At the altar of sacrifice, God met Abraham and He revealed Himself as Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who provides! Just as God provided for Abraham, he will provide for you as well. While you may be struggling with health issues or financial burdens, I ask you to *HEAR ME* , and remain faithful to God’s promises, and worship Him.

God showed me that when you demonstrate *obedience* through your sacrificial *offering* , He will bless you just as He blessed Abraham. I am believing God for His supernatural guidance for you, physical healing, and for the burden of debt to be miraculously removed from your life.

Believe that God will supernaturally meet you and provide everything you need!

While the circumstances of your life may be under satanic attack, I want to remind you that the battle is not yours, but *God’s* ! In II Chronicles, Chapter 20, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah faced three massive armies, and while he feared, he was motivated to seek God! Jehoshaphat called a prayer meeting: And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah (II Chronicles 20:3).

Beloved Partner , when you feel the attack of the enemy and you are afraid … *PRAY* ! Release your circumstances into the hands of God, recognizing that we serve a MIGHTY God ! Jehoshaphat called a fast, and together they fasted and sought the Lord. I encourage you to gather your family and come into the Presence of God to release the circumstances that you’re facing!

I ask that you *send me your prayer needs* for our personal intercession time. Your prayers and sacrificial giving will release financial blessings, and through your *FAITH* , you will break through Satan’s line of defense and take hold of God’s promised blessings.

Position yourself to take hold of God’s miraculous favor! I am believing God for an abundant harvest of souls in this season, including the salvation of your loved ones. God’s miracle working power will be released in your life, and He will supernaturally guide you, manifest your physical healing, and destroy the burden of debt off your life.

Jesus was anointed to minister FREEDOM and YOKE-DESTROYING DELIVERANCE to all who come to Him. Through Christ, all your needs have been met. With *PRAYER, WORSHIP, and OFFERINGS,* God’s miracle breakthroughs will be released upon your life.

Beloved, I have been given this powerful REVELATION WORD

that I must release into your life! Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I have written this prophecy for you. When you release your sacrificial offering, I will send you…

For Your Partnership

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God’s Servant

Immanuel Conrad

ministry letter


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