

A NEW MIND Colossians 1:21-23

Satan will try to fill your mind with evil desires of the flesh. He will try to fill your mind so full of the cares of this world and yourself that you will have no time for Christ and the Word.

Satan is going to do everything within his power to fill your mind with anxiety, fear, defeat, and discouragement concerning the circumstances in your life until your mind is so weakened that you become depressed, frustrated, hopeless, and discouraged. A NEW MIND

Satan is going to try to oppress and weigh your mind down with such heavy burdens and pressures, until you are unable to break through the thick cloud of depression over you to reach out in faith and receive what you need from God. But Satan’s power over your mind has been broken! Paul referred to the battle that takes place in our minds. He told the Romans:

For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. (Romans 7:22-23, NIV)

In these verses, Paul was speaking of the carnal desires of flesh which war against the mind (thoughts, understanding, feelings, will, emotions), and try to make it a slave to the sin that lies within the old carnal nature.

Paul continues by explaining that through Christ we have been set free from this sinful nature with its sinful desires, thoughts, and attitudes, so that we are now able to serve God with our minds and hearts (Romans 7:24-25). Then, in Romans 8:2-3, Paul explains how sin has been deprived of its power over us. The power of sin which once ruled over our innermost beings — our hearts and minds — has been broken, and we are no longer slaves to the sinful desires of our carnal nature.

Satan has been defeated! Jesus destroyed the works of the devil and set us free from the power of sin. Sin no longer has dominion over us. We were once alienated, enemies in our minds toward God. We were bound by our own stubborn, selfish wills to live our lives to please the flesh. But now, through Jesus, our hearts and our minds — our innermost beings — have been one-hundred percent cleansed, one-hundred percent set free from the power of sin. Our hearts and minds have been one-hundred percent renewed and are continuing to be renewed daily. We have been reconciled to God (Colossians 1:21-22).

Our minds, with their fleshly desires, emotions and wills, which were once under Satan’s control, have been set free from his power. God has placed His Spirit within us and we have been born again. Our old sinful nature has not been transformed…we have a new nature. All things have become new. We have a new heart, a new mind, with renewed attitudes, will, and desires.

Make this declaration:

I have been set free from Satan’s power. My fleshly desires, emotions, and will which were once under Satan’s control are now under God’s control.


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