


Psalm 119:33-40

If you are to speak God’s Word in a new dimension of authority, then you must spend time abiding in Christ, the Living Word. Wait upon Him for His direction concerning what you are to say and do. Allow the powerful resurrection life that is within Him to flow through your entire being. Draw your life from Him. It is the life within the Living Word that will quicken you — give life to you — and enable you to go beyond your own human limitations.

Stay in the written Word and fill your heart and mind with it until it comes alive within you. Jesus said, if we are vitally united to Him and His words live in our hearts, then we will be able to ask anything and it will be done!

Now, are you ready for the next powerful strategy to use in confronting the flesh and the tongue?

Strategy Four: Speak the Word to demolish Satan’s strongholds. Life and death are in the power of your tongue. As you bring your tongue under control of the Holy Spirit and enter a new dimension of authority, you will be able to confront the enemy and, by speaking the Word, destroy his strongholds and conquer him in the power of the Holy Spirit.

By the very words coming out of your mouth, you will be able to demolish every barrier, every obstacle, every work of the enemy that is blocking you from taking possession of God’s promises. ABIDING IN CHRIST

God has planned for His Word to dwell in you. As you speak the Rhema Word He directs you to speak, it will be a mighty, indestructible weapon in your mouth driving the enemy out of your life and circumstances.

We are no longer on the defensive, running, afraid, and intimidated by Satan. God has given us the same anointing of the Holy Spirit that was upon Christ. Through the Holy Spirit you have the same power and authority that Jesus had over all the power of the enemy. You have the Living Word within you and God has given you the eternal, all-powerful, living, infallible, impregnable Word through which you are able to tear down Satan’s strongholds and fulfill the will of God upon the earth.

The everlasting Word of God has not changed since the day God spoke the worlds into existence. It is timeless! It is not the product of time, but eternity. The Word of God in your mouth today is the same as when Jesus spoke the Word and opened blind eyes, healed the lame, cast out devils and raised the dead. The Word of God today in your mouth…ABIDING IN CHRIST

…Cannot be destroyed!
…Cannot be defeated!
…Cannot be bound!

Make this declaration:

I am speaking the Word of God over my circumstances today. I cannot be destroyed. I can not be defeated. I cannot be bound.


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