


John 11:20-44

We have dwelt on two powerful strategies for dealing with the flesh and the tongue: Don’t make allowances for your flesh and keep you tongue from evil. Here is the third strategy to break through the barrier of the carnal flesh and bring your tongue under control of the Holy Spirit…

Strategy Three: Speak the Word in a new dimension of authority. Not only must you guard your tongue and restrain from speaking evil, God desires to bring you into a new dimension of authority where you are speaking the Word and His supernatural power is released to fulfill the words He has given you to speak.

Jesus spoke words directed by the Father in the power and authority of God and it was done. There was absolutely no margin for error, no faltering, no wondering. He spoke and it was done. This was the key to releasing the supernatural power of God through Him. SPEAK THE WORD

Jesus was sent by God, anointed by the Holy Spirit, and given power and authority to speak and act in His stead, to speak His Words, to do His will: “…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him” (Acts 10:38).

Today, as you speak forth the Rhema Word under the unction and direction of the Holy Spirit, it is Christ the Living Word within you Who will fulfill the Word and manifest His power through you! As you speak forth the Word, He will do the works.

The key for the fulfillment of the Word is in the Word itself — the written and living Word! It is in developing a relationship with Christ where He is in you and where you are continually dwelling in Him and allowing His Word to rule and reign in your life.

“Speaking the Word” is not merely picking verses out of the Bible, repeating them over and over again, hoping they will eventually come to pass. It is not based upon mind over matter. You must first develop a relationship where the living Word has become flesh within you, where you are staying in His presence until you are receiving His direction concerning what you are to say and do. You need to stay in His presence, waiting upon Him, fellowshipping with and worshiping, until He gives you the Rhema Word to speak forth.

Jesus said: “If you live in Me — abide vitally united to Me — and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7, TAB).

Make this declaration:

God’s Word abides in me and I am learning to speak the Word in a new dimension of power and authority.


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