


In Romans 8:12-15, the Apostle Paul said if we live according to the carnal flesh and are continually yielding to the lusts and desires of the flesh we will die. How would it ever be possible for us to claim God’s promises and expect His blessings as long as we are still living after the flesh? On the other hand, if we are crucifying our flesh, living in the Spirit, continually denying and putting to death the flesh, and walking after the things of the Spirit, we will live. We will please God and reap His blessings.

Due to the tremendous sacrifice Christ made on the cross as the sinless Son of God, we owe a debt. We are debtors not to ourselves but to God. We are debtors, not to our carnal flesh, but to the Spirit of God Who lives within us. We have an obligation to no longer live our lives to please our fleshly desires but to please Him. WE OWE A DEBT

The major strategy you must use to demolish the barrier of the flesh is to crucify it.

You cannot do this in your own limited strength. You must draw upon the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit to continually put to death every thought, every fleshly desire, and every evil work of the flesh!

Your words are a major obstacle that will block you from taking possession of God’s promises. Once you have broken through the barrier of your carnal flesh and have crucified it, you will be able to bring your tongue under the control of the Holy Spirit.

As we march forward to demolish the barrier of the tongue and flesh, think about any areas of your life where you have been yielding to your flesh. Think about any carnal, fleshly desires or habits that are hindering you from walking in the fullness of the Spirit and from taking hold of God’s promises. WE OWE A DEBT

Don’t hesitate one minute longer! Get rid of them! Put them to death. Place yourself on the altar before God and ask Him to cleanse you of all works of the flesh. Continually exercise the power and authority Christ has given you, through the Holy Spirit, to get rid of every trace of them.

Make this declaration:

Death and life are in the power of my tongue. I choose life!


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