


As we begin our march against the obstacles standing in the way of our possessing God’s promises, remember that just as the Ark of the Covenant was with the children of Israel as they marched around Jericho, the presence, power, and anointing of God are with you!

He is with you and will give you total victory! THE OBSTACLE OF FEAR

The number one obstacle blocking Christians today from taking hold of God’s promises and walking in the power He has planned is fear. God’s word to you today, dear friend, is “Fear not!” God is saying:

…Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel… (Isaiah 43:1-3)

The first obstacle the children of Israel faced as they entered the Promised Land was fear. God had promised upon His oath to give them the land, but when the ten men sent to spy out the land saw giants in the land and large, fortified cities, they became fainthearted. A spirit of fear and intimidation gripped their hearts. Instead of rejecting fear and getting their eyes upon God who had rolled back the Red Sea and miraculously delivered them out of Egypt, they allowed their minds to be controlled by a spirit of fear. THE OBSTACLE OF FEAR

When these men returned to give their report, they caused this spirit to spread until all of Israel was fearful. The people heard the bad report and a spirit of fear entered their hearts and minds until they were controlled and dominated by it. None of that fearful, unbelieving generation entered the Promised Land. Only Joshua and Caleb, who focused their faith upon God and His mighty power, were able to enter the Promised Land and take possession of God’s promises. They said, “we are well able to conquer it!” (Numbers 13:30, TAB) and “the Lord is with us; fear them not” (Numbers 14:9, TAB). THE OBSTACLE OF FEAR

There are hundreds of different manifestations of fear. We are living in a day when fear stalks the streets of our cities and people are bound by fear for their safety. Other major fears people face include those of failure, rejection, pain, sickness, danger, want, growing old, man, and death. THE OBSTACLE OF FEAR

Fear and perplexity are part of the signs Jesus said would be upon the earth before His coming. He said men’s hearts would fail them because of fear and of the things which are coming upon the earth (Luke 21:26). As believers, however, we are to look up and rejoice. Our redemption draws nigh!

Make this declaration:

I am beginning my march on fear. I will not fear the circumstances around me. I will look up and rejoice. My redemption draws near!


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