


The Prophet Daniel was also a man of vision. He not only received visions and interpreted visions, but he was a man of purpose who knew how to order his life and set objectives to fulfil his destiny.

As a young man, Daniel rose to preeminence among the children of Israel (Daniel 1:3-6) and then gained preeminence among the wise of men of Babylon (Daniel 1:17-20). He was eventually given power over all of Babylon (Daniel 2:48-49; 5:29) and received similar power over the Medo-Persian empire (Daniel 6:1-3,28). SEEKING FIRST THE KINGDOM

What was the key that enabled Daniel to achieve positions of power and influence in the midst of an ungodly society? It was because he was a man of purpose. That is one of the first things we learn about Daniel as a young man:

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. (Daniel 1:8)

As a young boy in a strange land, Daniel was faced with an opportunity to violate God’s law by eating the king’s food. Despite his youth and the tremendous pressure to conform, Daniel “purposed in his heart” to uphold the law of God, no matter the cost. It was this strength of purpose that gave him the power to remain faithful when his allegiance to God was challenged by a law forbidding prayer (Daniel 6) and when he was elevated to a position of leadership (Daniel chapters 2 and 6). Because Daniel was a man of purpose, he was granted favor with key leaders who were used by God to enable him to fulfill his destiny (Daniel 1:9). SEEKING FIRST THE KINGDOM

Every child of God needs to be a person of purpose and direction. A strong sense of purpose not only fosters the respect and admiration of others, it is essential to fulfilling your ministry. Jesus made it clear what our purpose should be:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

If you seek God’s will first — His Kingdom and purposes — then all other things will be supernaturally provided. You will have the strength you need to accomplish God’s plan. You will have the abilities required and the necessary finances. You will have the supernatural power equal to the vision God gives you. SEEKING FIRST THE KINGDOM

Make this declaration:

I will seek God’s Kingdom and purposes first and all other things will be supernaturally provided. I will have the strength and finances I need to accomplish God’s plan. I will have the supernatural power equal to the vision God gives me.


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