


Acts 1:1-8

Several years ago the Lord told us in a prophecy that…

“A powerful spiritual force is about to be released within the Body of Christ that will bring about the greatest manifestation of the power of God the world has ever seen.”

God has now revealed to me that this is the time for this prophecy to be fulfilled. A POWERFUL FORCE

Incredible things are happening as we approach the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. One of these is the tremendous onslaught of Satan against the Body of Christ. Satan is causing every kind of doctrinal error and religious confusion that he possibly can. The words of the Prophet Hosea are being fulfilled, that God’s people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)

The Holy Spirit does not bring confusion, frustration, fear, or doubt. It is only when Satan tries to intimidate and imitate that these things result. But there is one thing for which there is no imitation — and that is the ultimate spiritual weapon that will position us beyond every defeat. The enemy cannot imitate the presence of God. A POWERFUL FORCE

This manifestation of God’s glory is not coming on the church from without. It is not coming through a specific man or a denomination. It is not coming through organization or education. This manifestation of God’s glory is a powerful spiritual force being released from within the Body of Christ. It will be greater than ever experienced — including the time of the early Church. When the Church of Jesus Christ was born 2,000 years ago…

…It was not born weak or spiritless.

…It was not founded on education, doctrine, or denomination. …It was not advanced by profound oratory.

…It was not formed by any influence of man.

The Church was born by a demonstration and manifestation of the Third Person of the Trinity. Jesus said, “You shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you!” (Acts 1:8).

Partner, the trumpet of God is about to sound. If you have spiritual ears, you can already hear it. It is proclaiming the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But before Christ returns, this Church will experience a manifestation of a power greater than what it was born in. The Church will be raptured in a greater demonstration of power than that in which it was conceived! A POWERFUL FORCE

Make this declaration:

I will be raptured in a greater demonstration of power than that in which the early Church was conceived.


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