


Genesis 27:1-46

For a tremendous Bible example of a man whose life was caught up in a web of seemingly adverse circumstances that seemed completely overwhelming, let us look at the part of Jacob’s life detailed in Genesis 32.

Over twenty-one years before, Jacob had extorted the birthright that belonged to his older brother, Esau. Not only that, but Jacob had deceived their father, Isaac, into giving him the blessing which by tradition should have gone to his elder brother. Esau became enraged and vowed to kill Jacob. With his mother’s help, Jacob fled to Haran where he worked for twenty-one years for his Uncle Laban. While there, God blessed Jacob with wives, children, and a large number of livestock.

Then God told Jacob to return. In Genesis 32 we find him doing that, but he was very fearful, expecting that Esau would still be angry and kill him. In Jacob’s absence, Esau had become a powerful man with trained soldiers. This tormenting fear hindered Jacob from seeing clearly the positive circumstances which surrounded him. Fear paralyzed his ability to utilize the good circumstances in his favour, and all the time the good far outweighed the bad. Jacob didn’t understand his position and authority in God. A SUPERNATURAL TOUCH FROM GOD

For one thing, Genesis 32:1 tells us that in his journey the angels of God met him and he named the place of their appearance Mahanaim meaning “two hosts” as a memorial of the experience he had there with God. Despite this supernatural revelation, Jacob still continued his trip in fear even though God had let him see a host of angelic beings about him. A SUPERNATURAL TOUCH FROM GOD

Jacob also had promises of God upon which to rely. He knew what God had promised and even quoted it in his prayer. He said, “The Lord which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee.” Still, Jacob feared. A SUPERNATURAL TOUCH FROM GOD

Jacob was meeting his brother in a place called Seir which means “rough or bristly.” That seems to be an adequate description of Jacob’s circumstances at this time — rough and bristly. Jacob certainly had some deep soul-searching to do, so he sent his wives, children, servants, and all that he had over the ford at Jabbok and remained there alone. A SUPERNATURAL TOUCH FROM GOD

The meaning of the word Jabbok means “emptying or pouring out,” and that is exactly what Jacob experienced here. As related in Genesis 32:24-30, there came a supernatural being who wrestled with him until the breaking of day. The wrestling match ended with Jacob’s name, life, and nature being supernaturally changed.

God wants to change your circumstances today, but in order for this to happen, you must realize who you are in Christ. You must come to the end of yourself and let God supernaturally touch your life.

Make this declaration:

I will not let You go, God, until you bless me


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