


God’s purpose and plan for His people has not changed. His command to us today as we face Satan’s counterattacks is: “Fear not, be strong and of good courage!” God has planned for the soldiers in His end-time army to be strong, bold, fearless, and invincible!

Regardless of who you are, or how weak you may feel, God intends you to be fearless. He has made it possible for you to live your life free from fear. When you face sickness or disease, financial problems, family problems, trials, tribulations, or circumstances which seem impossible and you just don’t know what to do, He expects you to fear not!

This fearlessness is based upon your faith and trust in God and His faithfulness to His promises. He has entered into a covenant with you, providing for all your needs. He has promised to deliver you out of the hands of all of your enemies, protect you, heal your body, and strengthen you. As you release your faith and trust God to fulfill His promises, there is no fear.

The fearlessness and boldness which God has planned to be manifested in your life is through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is imparted to you by the Spirit. You cannot work it up. Jesus said, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8). What was the purpose of this dunamis power? To make the disciples witnesses. To enable them to boldly and fearlessly face the powers of hell and not be moved. It is through the dunamis power of God within you that you can be fearless and bold in the face of persecution, danger, trials, affliction, and death. FEAR IS UNDER YOUR FEET

You have not received a spirit of fear but of power! Paul told Timothy, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). The word “fear” in this verse means cowardice. Paul was exhorting Timothy not to be fearful or cowardly in preaching the Gospel or in facing the persecution which might come as a result of his witness and testimony of the Lord. God does not intend you to be bound by a spirit of fear. He does not intend your mind to be tormented, oppressed, or obsessed by a spirit of fear. He has given you a spirit of power. FEAR IS UNDER YOUR FEET

Fear is a demon spirit that Satan is using today to torment, control, dominate, oppress, and bind Christians. But, through the power of the Holy Spirit, fear is under your feet!

Make this declaration:

I will not receive a spirit of fear. Fear is under my feet!


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