


There is a tremendous weapon God has given us which is powerful enough to penetrate into the spirit, breakthrough enemy territory, bind the power of the enemy, and destroy Satan’s strongholds. That weapon is prayer!

We are wrestling “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). There are organized demonic forces, spiritual powers, and rulers of darkness — spirits of violence, confusion, greed, hate, murder, rebellion, fear, lust, perversion — that are hovering over our cities, communities, and nations. They were in the promised land. They are everywhere in your land — on the streets, in your place of work, and in your home.

  • Their objective: to tear down and destroy all that is holy, all that is pure, all morality, all sense of decency. THE WEAPON OF PRAYER
  • Their objective: to destroy and tear down governments, pervert justice and establish atheistic, immoral leaders.
  • Their objective: to discredit Christian leaders, to weaken their godly influence in our cities and countries, to silence their voices.
  • Their objective: to divide the Body of Christ — to bring division and strife within churches — to get the Church sidetracked from its true purpose of winning souls into the Kingdom of God.
  • Their objective: to destroy families — turn husbands and wives against one another; sow seeds of rebellion in the hearts of the teenagers; cause feelings of rejection, mistrust, bitterness, and resentment.
  • Their objective: to prevent you from growing up into the full stature of Jesus, to stop you from praying, to hinder God’s answers to your prayers, to stop you from reading and studying the Word, to hinder you from applying the Word to your life, to stop you from doing God’s will. THE WEAPON OF PRAYER

These evil powers and principalities have established strongholds in our homes, communities, and nations that no atomic bomb, nuclear weapon, or carnal weapon can ever destroy. The only power strong enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds in the nations of the earth are the prayers of God’s people!

Every stronghold in your life, every bondage in your family, finances, job, or ministry can be penetrated by this powerful spiritual force. The last great end-time anointing will be the prayer anointing. God is releasing it right now, all over the world…and He is releasing it in you. THE WEAPON OF PRAYER

Make this declaration:

I am receiving the end-time prayer anointing which God is releasing all over this world. Every stronghold in my life, every bondage in my family, finances, job, and ministry will be penetrated by this powerful spiritual force.


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