



Psalm 103:1-22

We must know what God has said in His Word. We must be able to recall His promises in order for them to be activated in our prayer life.

We must know that, “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). DEPTH IN THE WORD

We must know that David the psalmist declared under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases” (Psalm 103:2-3). DEPTH IN THE WORD

It is not enough in your hour of need to look at the Bible sitting on the shelf and then say, “Yes, Lord, I believe everything that is written in that book,” when you really don’t know what is in there because you have never taken the time to find out. DEPTH IN THE WORD

Does this mean that you have to be a Bible scholar to have answered prayer? No! In fact, here is where the standing — which is one of our steps to victory — comes in. You not only must know the Word of God, you must put it into action. DEPTH IN THE WORD

There is another very important reason for standing upon the Word of God as we make our petitions known to our Father in Heaven. We are living in an age of confusion where people are running about eagerly following any new thing that comes along and it seems that the farther that it is from the real truth of the Gospel, the more people are ready to follow.

Sad to say, confusion has taken hold of the hearts and minds of many of God’s people. I can’t tell you the number of people that have come to me in our Schools of Ministry and declared that they were in an utter state of confusion. They have told me that even in their Spirit-filled churches they are confronted with conflicting doctrines from one week to the next until they don’t know where they are. DEPTH IN THE WORD

It is the devil’s aim to bring confusion to God’s people and it comes through a lack of knowledge of what the Bible really says. Sometimes teaching is only considered deep if a person cannot fully understand it. I call that confusing! I know that there is a teaching that the Holy Spirit wants to bring to every Christian that is beyond the basic foundations of our Christian life.

Depth, to me, is the degree of power of the Spirit in the life of the believer to live a more victorious, overcoming, meaningful life for the Kingdom of God. Teaching that motivates a person to greater holiness, not by separating himself from the world but by being able to live in the world, be a witness for Christ in the world and yet keep himself holy before God — that is what I call depth.

Make this declaration:

As I go deeper into the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit will be released in my life to enable me to live a more victorious, overcoming, meaningful life for the Kingdom of God.

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