SPIRITUAL JUBILEE SPIRITUAL JUBILEE During Israel’s Jubilee (SPIRITUAL JUBILEE) , there was to be a release of property, debt, slavery — all that had been lost was to be restored. This release was not just something God suggested that Israel do, but it was “the Lord’s release!” God was declaring complete and total liberty for His people […]
Month: May 2020
FINANCIAL YOVEL Leviticus 25:8-19 When Moses went up to Mount Sinai to meet with God, he was given instructions regarding specific days, times, and seasons which were to be consecrated and set apart as holy days. Each of these appointed days was very important to God and had a specific purpose. The observance of these […]
ACT ON GOD’S WORD Act Upon The Word John 6:1-13 In John 6:1-13, we find a hungry multitude and a meager food supply of five loaves of bread and two fish. Let these loaves and fish represent your own limited financial resources. You may look at your finances, and think how insufficient they are […]
Supernatural Multiplication Supernatural Multiplication Luke 5:4-11 This is God’s plan for us today. It is how we enter into the cycle of His supernatural provision. As each member of the Body of Christ gives……sacrificially…liberally…willingly…the best he has…cheerfully…following Christ’s example…proportionately…then there will not only be supernatural provision to meet your needs, but also to finish […]
GIVE YOUR BEST TO GOD GIVE YOUR BEST TO GOD Romans 12:1-3 There are several principles that the New Testament church at Macedonia followed in their giving that we should emulate in our own giving. We will be meditating on these truths during the next few days. They gave liberally: The New Testament […]
The Key To The Cycle The Key To The Cycle 2 Corinthians 8:2-5 THE KEY TO THE CYCLE Be sure to read the scripture reading for today before you read this devotion. In this chapter, Paul was writing to the believers in Corinth concerning a contribution they began to gather for the Christians in Jerusalem […]
MINISTRY LETTER Ministry Letter But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear tomen to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees inthe secret will reward […]
DIVINE SUFFICIENCY Acts 2:44-45; 4:34-35 DIVINE SUFFICIENCY You cannot face your financial problems with “head knowledge” because it doesn’t work! You must learn to take the very thing Satan wants to defeat you with — your finances — and use them to strengthen your faith! Divine Sufficiency Most people facing financial need in […]